Making Brewers’ Lives Easier 
Efficient brewery operation and consistent high-quality production are crucial. If you’re experiencing delays due to long sedimentation times or hop burn in your IPA, or if output is lost due to sediment trapping or during dry-hopping and fruit additions, it’s time for a solution. Don’t let consistency issues lead to off-flavors, secondary fermentation, or poor shelf-life. Discover Trucent purpose-built centrifuges to optimized your brewing process. 

 A purpose-built beer centrifuge is essential to optimize production by minimizing common challenges brewers face, such as oxygen exposure. Unlike general-use industrial separators, our CentraSep DB Series centrifuges are specifically designed for brewery processes. Equipped with mechanical hermetic seals, they ensure minimal oxygen pickup—usually zero, guaranteed less than 10 ppb—without the need for deoxygenated water or inert gas. Preserve carbonation, aromas, and flavors effortlessly with our tailored centrifuge solutions 

Our CentraSep DB centrifuges come in 10 model sizes, with optional add-ons for manual, semi-automatic, or fully automatic operation. This flexibility allows for tailored solutions to accommodate all beer styles and facility sizes, whether deployed on the hot side or in the cellar. Additionally, Trucent offers rental or leasing options, providing flexibility to match your brewing needs and budget, ensuring you can reap the benefits of centrifuge technology. 

 Crafting Clear and Hazy Brews Made Easy 
Trucent’s CentraSep DB centrifuge tackles the challenge of removing chill haze and producing bright brands with ease. With high bowl RPM and specific disc design, it delivers superior centrifugal force, ensuring consistent protein removal and meeting turbidity specs expected by customers. But it’s not just about brighter beers. Our centrifuges allow precise control over turbidity, preserving desired flavors while removing unwanted elements. 

 Maximize Yield, Enhance Quality 
Investing in the right centrifuge technology doesn’t just protect flavors—it’s a game-changer. A purpose-built beer centrifuge can increase production by 30 to 50 percent. With a significant portion of reclaimed beer from sediment and decreased batch time, it streamlines the brewing process without the need for more fermenters. Once in place, expect increased fermenter yield, lower transfer loss, improved consistency, and shelf-life, all leading to meeting demand without a massive hit to your bottom line. Typically, a CentraSep DB beer centrifuge pays for itself in 12 to 18 months. 

Committed to Service Excellence 
Service has been our cornerstone for decades. With a process-oriented approach, we’ve curated expert teams versed in equipment, fluid separation, and brewery operations. Whether you have an existing centrifuge or are new to media-free filtration, our Centrifuge Parts and Repair team offers refurbishment, repairs, and maintenance. We’re dedicated to finding the right solution for your needs and ensuring long-term reliability. Beyond closing a sale, we’ll get you up and running, provide training, and offer ongoing support.  

Every solution begins with a conversation. Let’s start the conversation today to enhance your beer clarity, remove solids, and preserve the unique pint experience. 

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DB Series Centrifuge

Brewing Carbonation Chart

Centrifuge Repair Services

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Trucent DB Series - Beverage Centrifuge

Trucent DB Stainless Series - Beverage Centrifuge