Honing Oil Filtration Systems Pay for Themselves

Little things matter. In helping our customers sort out issues with their oil filtration systems, we often find that the littlest things–fines and micro-fines–matter an awful lot. It’s very common to discover particulates costing a manufacturer tens of thousands of dollars–even when their supplier-recommended small fines removal filtration seems to be operating normally.
Is Your Oil Filtration System Leaking $78,000?
A few years ago Trucent worked with an American automotive manufacturer who was having quality control issues at one of their U.S. powertrain assembly plants. Fines in their honing oil regularly spiked above their 30 parts-per-million (PPM) upper control limit (UCL). They had a basic oil filtration system in place, specced to capture fines in the 30µm range. Nonetheless, ferrous particulate levels still regularly spiked past the UCL.
This was costing them money left and right: Tool life was short, fluid spends were climbing, and they had frequent line stoppages to discharge and recharge their honing oil. And yet, even with all that remedial action, they were still scrapping dozens of engine blocks each month.
Our team investigated the operation, sampled the system, and ultimately developed a custom multi-stage inline solution that suited their operation: low-maintenance, entirely media-free, and consistently able to capture particles as small as a 1µm. Once this was up and running, fines contamination in the honing oil never exceeded the UCL, their excess maintenance costs dropped to zero, and the plant went from scrapping 100 engine blocks every six-months to zero–saving them upwards of $78,000 each year.
Lower Costs–and Better Performance
According to Martin Rodriguezacosta, regional sales manager for Trucent’s largest region, situations like this are far from uncommon.
“I had a similar situation with a powertrain plant, where particulate in their honing oil was leading to bad cross-hatching on their cylinder bores. That translates to 30 to 50 percent loss in horsepower. It’s really critical. Better cross hatching means more consistent horsepower down the line. Bad cross hatching means bad engine blocks. Once we got our oil filtration systems in place for them, they were able to capture that particulate, giving them the best possible clean honing oil at that critical step.”
This wasn’t just about optimal automotive performance once those blocks are engines in cars: “Sorting out that issue with fines and micro-fines, dialing in their oil filtration system, meant less wear and tear on the tools themselves–so, much longer tool life–and substantial savings on fluids, because the oil doesn’t need to be changed out as much.”
With the right oil management system, you can ensure that every drop of your oil will continue to perform at its maximum potential for its entire lifecycle.
Contact an oil purification expert today to begin maximizing the life of your fluids.

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- Over 150 of Fluid Experience

CentraSep S-126 Maximizes Profits for Glass Fabricators
The CentraSep S-126 centrifuge is built to handle whatever the glass industry can throw at it. Its filtering capabilities are unmatched and it will operate for years with very little maintenance or attention.
Fabricators using a CentraSep S-126 are seeing rapid returns on their investment (ROI) of as little as 3 – 18 months.