Each kind of coolant reacts differently with each combination of contaminants. For example, consider tramp oil. Some coolants reject tramp oil altogether. This leads to “free oil” floating on the surface of your sump, which can be cleared off with an oil skimmer. But other coolants will tend to emulsify tramp oils. This renders skimmers ineffective. These situations require a tramp oil separator, coalescer, or centrifuge. So far, this is all fairly straightforward. Unfortunately, it isn’t just a matter of some coolants reject tramp oil, while others emulsify. These interactions can change over time. Some coolants start out rejecting tramp oil, but eventually emulsify it. As a result, tramp oil removal solutions that seemed to work for a time can suddenly stop working altogether.
When your filter begins to fail, your sumps become an excellent breeding ground for bacteria, which can further degrade your fluids’ chemistry. Bacteria eat the emulsifiers meant to stabilize the oil in water-based coolants. This causes the coolant to stop performing properly, increasing tool wear while decreasing part quality. Bacteria also does double duty when it comes to part and machine corrosion: They feed on the corrosion inhibitors in your coolant, and then excrete organic acids, salts, and hydrogen sulfide—all of which are themselves corrosive. It’s a puzzle with many interlocking pieces, making each facility a unique challenge. Nonetheless, most coolant recycling and filtration systems rely on a small number of generic off-the-shelf solutions. You cannot meet a unique challenge with a generic solution.
Meeting Unique Challenges with Custom Solutions
Trucent is dedicated to a process-oriented approach, one that extends tool life, increases part quality, and drives down costs. Our team brings together decades of experience with non-disposable media filtration, centrifuges, separators, vacuum dehydrators, and other filter strategies and technologies. But we don’t stop with filtration technology.
Our team also includes people with decades of experience in your grinding and other industrial processes, and researchers who understand fluid separation at a fundamental level. That group works with you to find the right intervention, use the right technology, and match it to the right application.
And then we can go. Trucent can install a team in your plant to run and manage your coolant filtration technology on a daily basis. Your in-house Trucent team will do more than just handle fluid purchases, monitor those fluids, and maintain them at appropriate levels and concentrations. They’ll pinpoint contaminants at their source and find ways to separate these contaminants from your flow as early as possible.
When those fluids are finally spent, your Trucent team will recycle or dispose of the fluid with minimal negative impact to your business and our world. No one else offers this level of comprehensive coolant service.
Every solution begins with a conversation. Contact us today to explore better ways to manage and recycle your coolant. If you’re ready, we can schedule a no-obligation on-site consultation. Our engineers will walk your entire process, sample fluids at every important juncture, and begin the process of making your coolant filtration system as trouble-free and boring as possible.
Complete Coolant Filtration Solutions & Services
Trucent provides comprehensive solutions to address the fluid filtration challenges in your grinding and fabrication operations. We can help you maintain your existing centrifuge and adjust your existing coolant filters—or design an entirely new particulate removal solution. We can install one piece of equipment or an entire team to manage all your filtration technology on a daily basis. The goals remain the same: Cleaner fluid, longer tool life, higher quality parts.

Die Caster Avoids Shutdown, Saves Over $200,000
Plant engineers determined that an annual discharge and cleaning of the central coolant system would pay off in reduced operational costs.
On top of preventing over 12,500 gallons of chemicals from entering the waste system, the facility was able to bank the overtime hours and over $200,000 in savings.